Kevin R. Crook
University of California, Berkeley
Master's Program in Data Science
W205 - Fundamentals of Data Engineering
2019 - Summer
Instructor's Syllabus Supplement [ pdf ]
The above pdf file is my instructor's syllabus supplement with the following information:
- Primary Syllabus
- Office Hours
- Checklist Before Your First Synchronous Class Meeting
- Prerequisites
- Available Resources to Help You Master Prerequisite Materials
- Slack Account and Joining Relevant Channels
- GitHub Account and GitHub Classroom
- Please Enter Your Slack and GitHub Usernames into my Google Form
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- O'Reilly Textbooks - Berkeley Library or Safari
- Setting Student Expectations for the Learning Process in MIDS
- Format of the Asynchronous and Synchronous Sessions
- Assignments and Grading Rubrics
- Due Dates for Assignments